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(Thomas) *Smiles*(Troy) I always wished you could write more Thomas, I have always enjoyed what you wrote!(Thomas) Troy, I'm trying to, but time isn't easy to come by. I am writing a bit, but not a lot is ready for primetime.(Troy) Not true!(Thomas) *Smiles again* I will write the great transformation novel some day though ;)(Troy) We need one!(TH) *Nods* Someday... ;)(*Anne-Mal) Do you mind saying what country your typing from?(Thomas) Not at all, I am a German, living in exile in Austria!(*Anne-Mal) Austria? Gee, for some reason I thought you were in New Zealand! Silly me!+ TH has arrived.(TH) I am trying a different Java engine. Ahhh! That's better!(*Anne-Mal) I think that proves that you're a programmer Thomas!Editor's Note- As you can tell, Thomas is now using TH.(Troy) Definitely!(TH) *Smiles* Well, I know many people confuse Austria with Australia, but New Zealand is new to me! ;)(Regal) Here comes the crowd, Thomas! :)(TH) *Watches as the room fills* That's good, at least I. My friend Marlee would seem to be an obvious choice to let her lesbian urges go and join in the fun that the rest of us have on a regular basis. Marlee is a free spirited blonde that seems to still be clinging to her hippie values. Free love described this 44-year-old perfectly. She's never been married, but and has been linked romantically with several younger men in town, and rumor has been going around for years that she likes girls too. Her current boyfriend is serving a tour in the Middle East, so she appears to be more available than she actually is.It was surprising that she was never a part of any of our lingerie/sex toy parties, or our yearly All-girl shopping trip to Minneapolis. She's been invited, but has respectfully declined every time. It's possible that she felt guilty fooling around while Jeff was serving overseas. Too bad because she's a really fun time, and personally, I was always curious to see her slander, naked body.I finally got my wish when Tina and I were.
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